
Because it's there...and I don't have newpapers...

1. How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it?

My life...is probably more affected by Buddhism than one would expect, considering I've grown up primarily Catholic. Well, that comes out oddly. I was raised Catholic until about the end of 4th grade, when I transferred to public school for good. I've always been interested in different stories, particularly when they concerned the supernatural, so moving on to religions wasn't much of a stretch. And I've liked Buddhism more than many of the others. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I know any Buddhists at home, but my way of thinking often reflects what I've learned from various religions, particularly Buddhism. I take what I want from each of them.

1. How do you greet people in your life? Is it different for different people? Why?

Some people might think that I SHOULD change how I greet people a bit more. I'm very polite, but at the same time, I have never felt that anyone should have my respect simply because they are older than I. I tend to say 'sir' and 'ma'am,' for anyone older than I, but that's honestly more for my own comfort. (Plus, it's easier than remembering names.)

2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

I used to kind of freak out when people touched me, but I've gotten much better over the years. I don't hang on people--it still makes me uncomfortable--and I don't generally do a lot of touching, unless I'm goofing around with a friend. I hug my family, but I'm not really one for prolonged contact. It all just kind of creeps me out... If I bump into someone, I do, strangely enough, pat them when I apologize. I don't really know why, it's instinctive. And I like giving piggy-back rides and wrestling. As I said, I've gotten better

What's today's date? Household stuff!!

a.When do children usually leave home?
When I was in High School, we had a speaker come to talk to us about what to do immediately after college. That person told us, point blank, that it was more economical to move back home for a couple of years. More and more people are doing that. I think it's a bit unfair for the parents.
b.How many people live in your home?
We have my Mother, her boyfriend, Nanny (my maternal grandmother), and Matt, my brother. His girlfriend doesn't technically live with us, but she's over pretty much whenever she's not working. Or at least she was always home when I was.
c.Do you have a head of the family?
We don't have an official person, but if I were to say anyone, I'd say that Nanny has always been the head of the household, even when Poppy was alive. It was pretty equal between them, but Nanny would always be the one to suggest outings or the like. Well, usually.
d.Who does the housework?
Mom cleans our parts upstairs, and Nanny cleans downstairs. Matt and I attend (or rather, don't) to our own rooms most of the time.
e.Who runs the family?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'runs the family.' We all do our own thing most of the time. Mommy and Nanny have tea or coffee together in the mornings, but none of us really tell each other what to do. Matt and I have never had regular rules, and Mom attests to the fact that it worked out quite well for us. We're a close family, but, at the same time, we're all equal, regardless of age or sex.
f.How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
Mommy and Jimmy share a room, and Matt, Nanny, and I each have our own bedroom. In the first house I can remember living in, Matt and I initially shared a room. But then, Mom converted the basement into a bedroom and gave her old room to Matt. I stayed in the bedroom just off the attic.